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Archive for the category “08) Charities”

Gillian Anderson – 27hr Comedy Marathon for Comic Relief 2015

Friday, Saturday 27-28th FebruaryB-40p5qXAAIHOh0   Read more…

Act For Peace (2013)

Peace one day

A series of interviews with some of the world’s leading actors, talking about Peace and the theme for Peace Day 2013: ‘Who Will You Make Peace With?’

Each interview will include a speech chosen and performed by the actor, relating to peace.

So far confirmed to take part are:
Hosts JUDE LAW Web v2 Act for Peace Sir Michael Caine Act for Peace Gael Garcia Bernal Act for Peace Richard E Grant Act for Peace Ray Winstone
Act for Peace Gillian Anderson Act for Peace Dominic Cooper Act for Peace Eddie Izzard Act for Peace Martin Freeman Act for Peace Forest Whitaker

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5 years of SA-YES

Dear Sabine,

Five years ago this week SA-YES was registered in the UK and subsequently in South Africa. Happy birthday SA-YES!

It has been an incredible five years. All we knew when we started was that we wanted to provide support for young people who have to make the difficult transition from a children’s home to living independently at the age of 18. We have tried and tested different approaches and we now have a successful, effective programme that is led by the youth and the mentors. SA-YES simply provides the platform, the structure and the resources.

In addition to the programme we have established an incredible network of support globally. It’s so heartwarming for us when we read stories and see photographs of people walking, running and networking on behalf of SA-YES. Thank you all for your incredible support and for contributing your time and energy, allowing us to continue with our work here in South Africa.

We have added some testimonials from a few of our mentors, which we hope you will enjoy reading. Thank you for your continued support!

Warmest regards,

Gillian Anderson and Michelle Potter
SA-YES Co-founders

P.S. – If you are in the Cape Town area, we still have spots left for the 2014 Cape Argus Cycle Tour and tickets for our 5 year anniversary party. Help us spread the word!

2013 British 10K

Congrats guys ! Félicitations à tou(te)s pour cette course au profit de SA-YES !

Thanks IHeartGillian for the update.



My name is Gillian Anderson and I am one of the founders of SA-YES. We work with young people living in children’s homes in South Africa. We provide them with a mentor who meets with them once a week for a year. The primary role of the mentor is to be a friend. Teaching a young person who has been abused and neglected to trust is a big challenge but can also be an incredibly rewarding one. Once trust has been built, a mentor can offer guidance and support as the young person explores the options available to them after leaving the children’s home.

Ours is a very simple programme providing crucial support to these young people.  Adolescence can be a very tough time in anybody’s life and for these youngsters it is even harder. More often than not they are not prepared for this big step into independent living, and they often have nowhere to go, no support network, and no safety net when things get tough.

We need your help to extend our programme to the next generation of South Africans.  Please support our work by donating your time as a mentor or committing to a monthly donation. Your contribution will help us ensure that more young people in South Africa have the support of a caring, committed adult as they take that first step towards independence.

Power To Do Good

Power to Do Good

Stella Gibson Store

On a recent series I did for the BBC (and Netflix) called “The Fall”, many women from around the world responded positively to the character I played called Stella Gibson. You all appreciated her feminist principles, her straight talking and even her silk blouses. Well, short of coming out with a clothing line, I thought I might capture some of the memes that were sent in my direction with a few small items. These are intended to remind you women to be the best that you can be, to be yourself, shamelessly, and to stand up for what you deserve. The proceeds will benefit a charity I’ve only just discovered that helps women and children who are victims of domestic abuse. Here’s to all of us having a bit of Stella In us! – GA

To benefit REFUGE: Domestic Abuse Charity

Bedelia Du Maurier Store

My involvement in “Hannibal” came as a bit of a surprise and I have become unexpectedly attached to Bedelia Du Maurier. These items are just for fun really and to support a good cause. What Eve Ensler has accomplished, since I worked with her oh so many years ago on the very first “Vagina Monologues” performances, is astounding. The proceeds from your purchase will go towards her cause but do check out her website and donate more if you can. She’s making a global difference.

To benefit VDAY: A Global Movement to End Violence Against Women and Girls Worldwide.

Raffaello Summer Day (2012)

JUNE 21: Gillian Anderson attends ‘ Raffaello Summer Day 2012 ‘ at Bayerisches Nationalmuseum on June 21, 2012 in Munich, Germany.

It was for a charity called Hand in Hand For Children e.V, that benefits children with cancer.

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